These portraits of women wearing beautiful traditional clothes were copied from the website of the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences—better known as the Kunstkamera. (All images are © the Museum.)
The black-and-white photographs (as opposed to the sepia ones) are part of the Museum's online "Women's Assembly of the Caucasus" exhibition, whose introduction goes:
You are about to behold the women of the Caucasus as they were seen by the photographers of the 19th and 20th centuries. On display is the work both of the recognized Russian maestros of photography—F.Orden, D. Yermakov, N. Nikitin and of the ethnographers who took the pictures for the purposes of scientific research. Here, the ethnic variety of the Caucasus is mirrored by pictures of the Abazin, Abkhaz, Avartsy, Aguly, Azerbaijani, Armenians, Balkartsy, Bezhtin, Greeks, Georgians, Dargin, Didoitsy, Jews, Ingush, Nogai, Laktsy, Ossetians, Rutultsy, Udin, Chechens.
"Young Abazin woman." |
"Abazin woman." |
"Abkhaz girl." |
"Prosperous women with servant." |
"Women in traditional costumes." |
"Group of women with girls."
(Abkhazia, mid to late XIXth century; Photographer: D.A. Nikitin)
"Parting with warriors."
(Krasnodar, Russia, 1908; Photographer: S.A. Shavlovsky)
"Archinian woman in traditional headdres." |
"Armenian women in short jackets and straight skirts." |
"Women from Akhaltsikhe dressed in fine clothes, wearing traditional western Armenian aprons (gognots)
and head-dresses."(Akhaltsikhe, Georgia, 1881; Photographer: D.A. Nikitin)
"Armenian woman in fine dress." |
"Armenian woman from Shemakha in fine dress." |
"Armenian woman from Shemakha." |
"Agèd woman with string of beads." |
"Women in traditional clothes spinning thread." |
"A young woman."
(Akhaltsikhe, Georgia, 1881; Photographer: D.A. Nikitin)
"Armenian women in full dresses." |
"Armenian woman from Akhaltsikh in traditional dress." |
"Armenian woman from Shemakha." |
"Avar woman wearing two kerchiefs and a mantle." |
"Avar woman wearing two kerchiefs and a dressing-gown." |
"Azerbaijani women from Baku in fine dresses." |
"Azerbaijani woman from Baku." |
"Azerbaijani woman from Baku." |
"The Sunshevy family in traditional clothes. Girls wearing traditional head-dresses." |
"The Sunshev family in national garments." (Bezengi, Kabardino-Balkaria, 1913)
"Girls from Budug settlement." |
"Women from Budug settlement." |
"Young woman." |
"Portrait of woman in traditional costume." |
"Girl in traditional festive costume." |
"Georgian woman, the daughter of priest, wearing the traditional head-dress (Georgian: tavsakravi)." |
"Georgian woman with newborn."
(Georgia, 1881; Photographer: D.A. Nikitin)
"Women in casual clothes and traditional Georgian head-dresses (Georgian: tavsakravi)."
(Georgia, 1881)
"Woman from Guria." |
"Young woman in luxuriant cloths." |
"Georgian [Ingilo] women from Kah village in festive clothes." |
"Portrait of young woman." |
"Khevsur woman." |
"Woman in traditional dress." |
"Mingrelian woman with traditional musical instrument." |
An undated portrait of a Svan woman, copied from Izolda Melikishvili & Luarsab Togonidze's beautiful book, Traditional Georgian Attire (Tbilisi: Georgian National Museum & the 'Samoseli Pirveli' clothes shop, ?2014) |
An undated portrait of a two Ingilo women, copied from Izolda Melikishvili & Luarsab Togonidze's beautiful book (op. cit.) |
An undated portrait of a three Tush women, copied from Izolda Melikishvili & Luarsab Togonidze's beautiful book (op. cit.) |
Another undated portrait of three Tush women, copied from Izolda Melikishvili & Luarsab Togonidze's beautiful book (op. cit.) |
An undated photograph of two Tush women leading their children on horseback, copied from Izolda Melikishvili & Luarsab Togonidze's beautiful book (op. cit.)
"Greek woman from Trebizond, in fine dress with embracings [sic.] and fur." |
"Ingush woman in traditional costume." |
"Ingush woman in fine traditional dress." |
"Jewish woman." |
"Man with girls." (Kabardino-Balkaria, mid to late XIXth century; Photographer: D.A. Nikitin)
"Young woman in traditional costume." |
"The Batashevs from Malaya Kabarda." |
"Traditional dance." (Karachay-Cherkassia, Russia, c.1890; Photographer: F. Orden)
"Group of woman in national garments." (Karachay-Cherkassia, Russia, c.1890; Photographer: F. Orden)
"Group of residents of Khinalug settlement." |
"Girls from Khinalug settlement." |
"Women from Kryz settlements." |
"Youngsters from Kryz settlements." |
"Girls and old woman from the village of Djeg." |
"Woman in traditional costume." |
"Wife of the khan in Kazikumukh." |
"Lak girl from the village of Kuli." |
"Participant of district parade of the amateur art activists." |
"Reginat-bike, sister of the Shamkhal of Tarku, widow of Ibrahim-khan Mekhtulinskiy." |
"Portrait of girl in traditional costume." |
"Women from the village of Leze." |
"Girls from the village of Leze." |
"Woman from the village of Gil." |
"Nogai women." |
"Ossetian girl wearing a kerchief." |
"Ossetian girl from the village of Elkhotovo near Vladikavkaz." |
"The Dudarov sisters. Dressed in traditional Ossetian cloths." |
"Ossetian woman with child." |
"Ossetian woman in traditional dress." |
"Ossetian girl Zhukaeva in traditional dress." |
"Peasant wet-nurse in city cloth[e]s with child." |
"Group portrait of Ossetians." |
(the village of Shinaz, Rutulsky district, Daghestan, 1952)
"The Jews in workaday clothes." |
"The Jews from Kuba in workaday clothes." |
"Jewish woman from Kuba." |
"Woman sitting in front of house in traditional dress and head-dress which covers half her face." |
Unless stated otherwise or obviously not the case, all the text and images on this website are © A.J.T. Bainbridge 2006-2014
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