Jost Gippert, renowned linguist of genius and all-round eccentric — author of many articles, translations, and reviews (so many that they are available as a searchable database!), ranging from Zur Syntax der infinitivischen Bildungen in den indogermanischen Sprachen ("The syntax of infinitival formations in the Indo-European languages", 1977) all the way to The application of multispectral imaging in the study of Caucasian palimpsests (2007) — recently created the most amazing ethnolinguistic map of the Caucasus!
The map can be found here, on the University of Frankfurt's outstanding TITUS ("Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialienprogramme") website. However, the mind-boggling linguistic diversity of Northern and Southern Daghestan is such that these two regions required their own "sub-"maps.
Unless stated otherwise or obviously not the case, all the text and images on this website are © A.J.T. Bainbridge 2006-2010
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