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Khevsur Demographics

An estimate of Khevsureti's population in the 1930s

Among the wealth of material contained in Sergi Makalatia's Khevsureti (Tbilisi: Komunistis Stamba, 1935) are population tables for all the main villages of Khevsureti, divided into four communities (Georgian თემი, temi) centred upon the villages of Barisakho (G. ბარისახო), Batsaligo (ბაცალიგო) and Shatili (შატილი), along with the region known as Arkhoti (არხოტი):

(please click for a larger image)




I have translated and transcribed Makalatia's data into my own tables:




I subsequently compiled Makalatia's data into a single table:

As well as his data concerning surnames: