These photographs were all gathered together and scanned in the village of Zemo ("Upper") Alvani in Kakheti (except for the first two, which were copied in the museum in the neighbouring village of Kvemo—"Lower"—Alvani).
I "watermarked" (i.e. defaced) all these photographs in order to ensure that, should they be copied and shown out of context, viewers will still be able to recognize them as photographs of the Batsbi people (as opposed to Tush or other Caucasian peoples, whose style of dress &c. can be extremely similar at first glance).
I have high-resolution scans of these photographs, which may be available upon request.
Unless stated otherwise or obviously not the case, all the text and images on this website are © A.J.T. Bainbridge 2006-2014
Do get in touch! Gmail: alexjtb