The following share certificates, bonds, &c. were copied from (i) this page of the amazing website of the Historisches Wertpapierhaus AG, which lists, in detail, literally thousands of such documents (the certificates below were included in a 'Russia and the former Soviet Union' auction the company held in October 2013; the online catalogue (.pdf) can be viewed here); and from (ii), which also lists many fine postcards from the Caucasus.
'Lettre de gage de mille roubles à 5%' |
'Action de deux cents roubles' |
'Action de cent roubles' |
'Lettre de gage de cinq cents roubles à 5%' |
'Action au porteur [de] deux cent cinquante roubles' |
'Action de deux cent cinquante roubles au porteur' |
[Temporary certificate for two 335-ruble shares] |
'Obligation de cent roubles au porteur portant 5% d'intérêts par an' |
'Obligation de mille roubles au porteur portant 5% d'intérêts par an' |
Share certificate for 10,000 shares of ten shillings |
Share certificate for 50 shares of two shillings |
'Action de cent francs au porteur' |
Share certificate for 9,597 shares of one pound sterling |
'Share of one hundred roubles' |
'Action de cent roubles au porteur' |
'Action de cent roubles' |
Share certificate for 500 roubles |
Share certificate for shares worth ten roubles |
Share certificate for 250 francs |
4% bond for 2,000 German Reichsmarks |
Share certificate for 100 roubles |
Share certificate for 500 Belgian francs |
Share certificate for 187.5 roubles |
Share certificate for 250 French francs |
Share certificate for 500 Belgian francs |
Share certificate for 50 Belgian francs |
Share certificate for 500 Belgian francs |
Share certificate for 500 French francs |
Bond worth 125 rubles |
Founding partner's share worth 1/18,360ths of net profit |
Ordinary share certificate |
Share certificate for 25 shares worth £1 |
Unless stated otherwise, all materials on this website are © A.J.T. Bainbridge 2006-2014
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